Things are going well. This last week we met a woman named Mimi. She is AWESOME. She is what you call a 'golden investigator.' She is so happy and loving and the Lord has really prepared her for the Gospel. We met her on a Friday and she came to church that first Sunday. She always makes jokes. The best part is that she always laughs at her own jokes! It's really funny. Anyways she has alot of love for people and those around her. It's amazing to see how God reaches out to His children. She is seeking for truth, she is looking for what feels right, she is a very spiritual person and as she has prayed and the Spirit has prompted her, she met us! It's a beautiful thing. I LOVE this gospel. It's people like Mimi that make this all worth it. I am super excited for Mimi.
Hey check out my link Robert
I am grateful for the Gospel. I am grateful for the Book of Mormon and the direction it has given me in my life. I know that this work is the work of the Lord. and that this is the restored gospel established on the earth today. I love you all