Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Yeah I really loved Conference this week, I'm really excited to go back and study all the talks for the next six months. there were a few really good talk that focus on full time missionaries so that was pretty neat. on Sunday we had the opportunity to watch conference with 3 of our investigators. so it was really special.

We are really blessed with wonderful people to teach. this weekend we have a baptism with a girl named Brianna. she is going to school in the area. we found her street contacting out side the college campus one day, the Lord had really prepared her to receive the Gospel in her life. we are also teaching a really great person named sunny! sunny is super smart. hes American born chinese and right now he is going to school to learn to compose music!! he plays the piano like super duper good, hes one of those kids that has played the piano since he was like 3 years old. anyways we are trying to help him feel the spirit and gain a testimony of God. our lessons with him are really good

I dont remember if I told you but I gave one of your books to Sister Berry - she loved it! there is a testimony meeting for new converts and she shared her testimony and she used the scripture that you had in your book (helaman 5:12) she said it really touched her heart. she gave such a solid testimony, it was really neat for me.

SKYPE fhe!? that sounds awesome maybe you could let me know a week in advance and I can write a small report about what is happening in the mission field that you could read to everyone. anyways everything is going pretty well.. oh yeah I almost forgot, our car was broke into and my wallet and camera were stolen.. sooo I have my birth cert. with me, so im going to see what I can do about getting a new license and I.d. the only problem is I don't have a s.s.card.. so we will see what happens.

I just want to tell you that I know God lives. and he loves all of us. since I've been on my mission I have come to realize that God allows us to make choices freely, He will never FORCE anything upon us. If we want to know about God we must seek after Him. God and Jesus Christ 'Invite' - the invitation is there, we just need to accept that invitation and the way we accept the invitation is by reading scripture, praying and keeping the commandments. We show God we accept Him through our actions.

I love you all

Love Elder Blandon

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