Monday, March 7, 2011

Still Here

Well Everybody looks like I'm going into my 5th transfer! I've been out just over six months now!! life is really good. I love missionary work. So I'm still in Hayward (my first area). The Lord still has work for me to do here so I'm really excited about this coming transfer.

We (Elder Bryant and I) had a Baptism this last Saturday: Lupe Conela. It was really nice! The Spirit was so strong! Lupe's family is Catholic and they weren't able to make it to the Baptism, she is really good friends with the Rohner family(members). the Rohners gave really nice talks and a song. Lupe is a great example of exercising Faith, she has a wonderful testimony of the Gospel. We are super excited to have her as a member of the Church. Right before Lupe's Baptism we got to sit in a Baptism for the Castro Valley 3rd ward (Tongan!) I love Tongan Baptisms they are really cool. they sing so good!

So my Saturday was filled with the Spirit. It helped me reflect a lot on the importance of Baptism and the Covenants we make and renew.

I really Love the Hayward 1st ward. The members are so great! They really take good care of us. this last Sunday was fast and testimony meeting it was so good! the topic was quickly turned to missionary experiences that members have had. it was so good to hear the different ways that the members were sharing the Gospel. I've been here long enough now I know a lot of the members well so that's been really cool.

Anyways things are going well. I'm learning alot about my self but most of all I'm learning so much about the Savior and his love for me.

I love this Gospel I love missionary work I hope everyone is doing well. have a blessed week. HANG ON summer is coming.

I love you all.

Love Elder Blandon