Monday, April 25, 2011

Life is Good

This week we had a really neat experience. It's amazing how the Lord
places us as missionaries to help others. We got a phone call from a
chaplain at a saying that a man had requested a visit from
church members of the LDS faith.. We had a little extra time and we
were close to the hospital so we made our way over shortly after we
got the message. We parked the car and made our way into the building.
This hospital is different than most in that it's only for war veterans.
As soon as we walked in the door I felt a calmness that you just don't
normally feel in hospitals. I felt so much peace when we started making
our way down the hall, I know that was the Holy Ghost telling me that
we were supposed to be there at that moment. It felt as if time has
slowed down while we were there at the hospital. We asked a woman
about the name we were looking for and she pointed us in the right
direction. We finally made it to the room we were looking for. Kenneth
Walter Flanagan was his name. He was so happy to see us! He was weak
and could only whisper very quietly so to hear him we had to get very
close. we sat and talked with Kenneth for a while, he held my hand
tightly as I asked him about his life and told him about mine, he told
us 'I was hoping it was you' and then asked if we could give him a
blessing. We blessed him and read scriptures for a little while. In his
his faint whisper he thanked us and we made our way back to the car.
The spirit was so strong when were there talking with Kenneth. He
looked me right in the eyes as I spoke with him and I could feel his
gratitude right down to the center. I could truly feel God's love in
that moment. As we were walking back to the car I reflected on life
and how short it really is, and that is why it is so important for us
to do all that we can in this time that we are given.

Anyways life is good thank you for your love and prayers! I hope all
is well have a wonderful week and tell everyone I love and miss them.

LOVE Elder Blandon

Thursday, April 21, 2011


So things are going really well, alot of changes in the last few
weeks. I like change tho so its been really nice. Julian had his
confirmation in church last Sunday. Bishop Sapiga gave him the
blessing. The ward has done a wonderful job at fellowshipping Julian.

This week my testimony of missionary work has really been growing
alot. I've seen alot of miracles this week! I'm really grateful for
our Father in Heaven and his love for me. I have been able to feel the
peace and comfort that comes from the Holy Ghost so much in these past
few weeks. I love missionary work and seeing the changes that people
make in their lives as they grow closer to the Savior.

So anyways it looks like I'm in a new area. Transfers happened
yesterday. It was really weird driving away from Hayward. As I was
driving away, it didn't really dawn on me that my work as a missionary
was done in that area. I had been there for over 7 months! as I got on
the free way it kinda hit me. I mentioned it to the others in the car
as we were driving "woh I just realized i'm leaving Hayward!" my
companion said "yup you're driving away right now." I felt good about it,
I heard the missionary that is replacing me is really good. I left the
area in really good shape! there were a few baptismal dates set up and
a good number of investigators. I knew I had worked hard and that the
missionary work would continue after I left.

A new chapter in my missionary work begins, I'm now serving in the
Martinez ward on the north eastern side of the mission, its about
45-60min drive from my last area, its alot different! I really like it
alot. I could almost live in this area.... maybe.. I have a new
companion Elder Sekiguchi from Tokyo Japan. He's AWESOME. he kinda
reminds me of a japanese version of Michael sometimes.. anyways I
really like the area alot. and I am grateful for the opportunity to

This week will you pray and ask Heavenly Father to give you
opportunities to serve!!??
I know the Lord will bless you as you seek for those opportunities

I miss everyone. The work is going wonderfully. Thank
you for all your prayers--keep praying

Love, Elder Blandon