Monday, September 5, 2011

It's Foggy in San Francisco

I really love scouts. After my mission, I really want to get more involved with scouting. Camping sounds really fun right now!! The lightning storm sounds fun, too. For me it's the fog!! San Francisco is SUPER FOGGY! I thought is was just the season.. nope it's foggy all the time. I had no idea. I'm pretty used to it now. It's perfect temp. mostly all the time.

This weekend we had Myrna Berry's baptism! She is such a wonderful woman!! I have been so blessed to be a part of her life. She asked me to perform the baptism, so that was the first baptism I actually performed. The Spirit was so strong!! Everything turned out really nice! Anyways, I'm sure you will have the chance to meet Sister Berry some day.

Can you believe I have been out almost a year now.. my half way mark is this week.. (not that I'm counting) really most of the time I have no idea what month I'm in or how long I have left :) Just focus on working hard, the best I can.

I have a new companion, his name is Elder Shipley from New Mexico. He is a super cool missionary. We get along well. This transfer we are really looking forward to seeing the success of the zone! Transfers just happened and we have alot of great new missionaries in the zone so we are looking at a great transfer.

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