Monday, September 19, 2011

Meeting with a General Authority

well the mission is going really well, I got to interview with Elder Edwards from the quorum of the 70 this last week! it was such a spiritual experience, he was so intune with the Spirit! so I asked him about the eternity's and what I can do in this life to prepare myself to have everlasting life - he told me the most important thing that I could do in this life would be to get married in the temple. he told me that the purpose of this life is to prepare to be husbands and fathers in eternal families. so meeting with him is something I will never forget, esspecialy the feeling of the spirit I had as we visited.

Yesterday one of my recent converts (myrna berry) spoke in a fireside for new members of the church, she got to bare her testimony about her faith in the Savior, it was such a wonderful thing for me to see because I got to watch sis.berry make changes in her life that made her closer to Christ and made her happy.I feel so blessed that I got to be a part of that. there really is nothing greater than to see someone find happiness in life.

The work is supper busy not time to stop, tons of paper work and lots of meetings especially around the first of the month and transfers. but I really love helping the zone progress and teaching the new missionaries how to do missionary work.

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